Monday, December 19, 2011

Paint Pan Patty's Closed for the Season

Hi Everyone!  So here I am, back from an extended bout with what I like to call TECHNOLOGYOVERLOADITIS.  Happy to report that I'm doing much better now, and thanks for wondering :-))

Patty and I wanted to let all of you know that we have closed the shop for the winter and will let you know when we set a date to reopen either in February or March.  If you have any merchandise on layaway, or need to get in touch with us for any other reason, just give us a call at either 799-9630 (Gwen) or 320-8306 (Patty).  Or you can email us at

During our break, we plan on refurbishing and rewonderfulizing the shop, so there will be a new look for the reopening and lots of new merchandise because now we'll have more time to treasure hunt!!  Sometimes we just NEED a great big dose of that to keep us going!