Of course, there were people by the thousands, but the set up is so spread out on winding paths underneath towering Georgia pines, that I hardly noticed a few extra folks besides me and my very tolerant husband! He was wonderful and let me wander to my heart's content in and out of every single vendors tent, while he stood silently by trying to keep track of me. I was like a kid in a candy store, trying to take in all of the wonderful displays, and getting pictures of some great ideas. I was so enthralled with it all that I didn't even notice the "Please don't take pictures" signs up in most of the tents. Husband patiently pointed this out to me :-)).

All in all, I highly recommend making your own plans to attend the Country Living Fair 2012, if you get the chance. If you love antiques and cottage/country decorating, etc., this is an event you will absolutely love!