Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Big Christmas Sale!

Can you believe that another year has passed and Christmas is upon us once again? Patty and I will be working hard this week hauling all of our Christmas merchandise down from the “attic” and getting it priced and ready to put out for sale.  We’re looking to MOVE it, so we are ready to give you some really great deals!
Starting Saturday, all Christmas items will be sold for 50% off the marked price.  However, we want to do even better than that for all of our wonderful customers who have been so supportive.  In the spirit of the season, we are offering this coupon for an extra 25% off the sale price!
Christmas Coupon crop
So all you coupon clippers out there, cut this one out and bring it in to get your extra 25% off.   We look forward to seeing you Saturday, and a big, fat Merry Ho Ho Ho!! from Gwen and Paint Pan Patty!