Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Treasure Hunt Bargains & A True Story

Sad little Hoosier cabinet destined for destruction.
Remember this Hoosier cabinet that Patty & I rescued from the burn pile during one of our treasure hunts?  Gone!  A gentleman snatched it up last Saturday before Patty & I had a chance to work our magic on it.  It would have been awesome to see it all refurbished, but we're glad it found a good home. 

Anyway, you should have been there.  The guy was so excited to get this cabinet that he actually fell off the truck when we were helping him load, and a book case that he already had on the truck fell right on top of him. 

I tell you, I was scared to walk around and see the damage, but as it turned out, he was a pretty spry fellow!  Jumped right up and got back to business.  I like to call him Mosquito Man, the way he was flitting all around.  True story..... 

Honey Hole Pics 007
Also, if you had your eye on that beautiful carved rocker that we found in the same burn pile treasure hunt, it's gone, too! 

We get some pretty wonderful old pieces of furniture in at the shop from time to time.  It's always exciting to see what's going to turn up each week.  Check in with us often, as the merchandise changes fairly often, but as you can imagine, pieces like this don't hang around long!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Holidays – Good Food & Family Time!

Happy Monday, everyone!  We're on the countdown now for Thanksgiving Day, so today I’m off to buy my turkey and get it thawing in time to pop in the oven early Thursday morning.  Got to gather my coupons (because no good Junker worth his salt ever pays full price for groceries), make my list, and head to town.
I get really excited about cooking good food, being raised in a proper Cajun family down in old Biloxi!  Those folks just don't turn out bad cooks, if I do say so myself.  And on Thanksgiving Day, you'll always see a delicious seafood gumbo, oyster dressing, and potato salad on the table.  Yep.....makes my mouth water just thinking about it!  And since we’re talking about all this good food, thought I’d share my favorite Sweet Potato Casserole recipe with you.  Check it out on our Favorite Recipes page.    I’ve been making this recipe since I found it in a copy of Country Living magazine’s 1985 premiere issue of Country CookingPersonally, I think it’s the best I’ve ever tasted.  Maybe you’d like to give it a try this Thanksgiving, and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Big Christmas Sale!

Can you believe that another year has passed and Christmas is upon us once again? Patty and I will be working hard this week hauling all of our Christmas merchandise down from the “attic” and getting it priced and ready to put out for sale.  We’re looking to MOVE it, so we are ready to give you some really great deals!
Starting Saturday, all Christmas items will be sold for 50% off the marked price.  However, we want to do even better than that for all of our wonderful customers who have been so supportive.  In the spirit of the season, we are offering this coupon for an extra 25% off the sale price!
Christmas Coupon crop
So all you coupon clippers out there, cut this one out and bring it in to get your extra 25% off.   We look forward to seeing you Saturday, and a big, fat Merry Ho Ho Ho!! from Gwen and Paint Pan Patty!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tabletop Inspiration - Short & Sweet

Do you ever have STUFF sitting around that you don't quite know what to do with, but you couldn't possibly get rid of it because you may need it someday?  If you're a junker treasure hunter, like me, it could be anything at all, but my stuff looked like this the other day......

So I'm standing there studying this wonderful pile of stuff and wondering if I should just pack it away for another time, when a light went off.  Hmmmm.......why not just pile it all up together and see what you come up with.  Turned out like this:

 Which, I decided, would look absolutely groovy on my kitchen table.  What do you think?  What are some of your inspired creations?  We love it when folks share with us.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Honey of a Honey Hole!

Sad little Hoosier cabinet destined for destruction.Last Saturday, a local gentleman stopped by Paint Pan Patty’s and asked if we’d be interested in some junk his wife had sitting in the back yard.  We’re always a little bit hesitant at first, until we get the whole story.  You know, we don’t want to end up with a real pile of junk we just have to haul off to the dump.  So we ask a few questions and try to determine whether or not it’s an honest-to-goodness-treasure-hunter’s-dream pile of junk.  There’s a difference, ya know……..
I could see Patty in the first stages of cardiac arrest when the gentleman explained that his wife also had a nice burn pile going next to all this junk and wasn’t opposed to using it!  The next item on her list for the towering inferno was an old Hoosier cabinet that was dirty, paint peeling, and needed a little work on the roll-up door part thingy.  Whoa!  Eeerrrkkkkk!!!  Stop the train!!  Trash to some folks, but PURE LOVELINESS to us. 
Honey Hole Pics 007 At this point, I watched as Patty calmly (as in *trying not to shake*) wrote down her phone number and asked him to please have Wife call before she burned anything else so we could drive over and take a look.  We might possibly be interested. 
Of course, we couldn’t get up there fast enough, and when we drove into their yard yesterday, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  The Hoosier cabinet is in almost perfect condition but needing a little love.  We quickly purchased that along with a full size bedroom set from the 1940’s or ‘50s, some cast iron pans (one Griswold, rescued from the burn pile), ornate upholstered rocker, vanity bench, some old books, and several other items destined for the shop.  Honey hole, indeed!  We can’t wait to get it all set up and ready for you to see.